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When life gets a bit tough, and you’ve got to get going! Coach Mandy’s "Be-Well Toolbox"

Have you ever experienced a time in life when everything that is dear and special to you, seemed to have lost its appeal?

Unfortunately, we can’t avoid these moments in life. They will occasionally happen.

Navigating these times, can leave us short of confidence in our ability to manage familial relationships and friendships, our jobs may feel like a daily unsurmountable burden, and daily, you may resolve: “this may just be the day that I leave this job, or end this relationship for good!”

It is unfortunate however, that we should suffer through them every time that we are going through a complicated season.

If we try to push through our daily functions in this condition, as if these feelings are simply a part of our core, they can grow and fester within us. Unattended, one can become quite unmotivated to get back to life the way that we would typically want it to go.

The good news is we can live through such episodes, and we typically do. Even when life wants to go over-the-top and serve us a dose of undue suffering! That said, a little bit of tenacity and determination to be in control of your own life, will enable you to choose a path to a healthier alternative.

Choose to follow the path of discovery, and much needed healing and learning. I know this, because I have witnessed others going through these phases, and I’ve experienced a few of them myself.

As a professional who has been committed to serving and assisting others in various levels of need, I’ve gathered some tools that I’ve found to be very effective throughout my life’s journeys. If you’re experiencing a tough bump in your road, try a few of these strategies:

1. Pull out your trusted Mantras and Affirmations.


When I first tried meditation many years ago, I struggled at first with distracting thoughts that constantly invaded my mind - especially those pesky thoughts about the very situation at hand, and all other things that needed to get done while I was trying to find my peace.

I find mantras to be quick and super effective in training my mind to focus on the here-and-now. I was initially trained on soothing words, like “one”. For me this meant one with God, one with Mother earth, and one with my loved ones. This was very effective at making me feel the presence of those who are precious to me, even if they weren’t in physical proximity to me at the moment. You may want to use a mantra that has a special meaning to you, and fosters feelings of peace and calm.


Another very effective tool for strengthening my mindset, my motivation, and confidence, are affirmations. Before getting my day started, I try my best not to mindlessly dart out of bed. During the very first moments that I start my day, I retrieve my daily affirmations - those adopted from wise minds around the world, and those that I have evolved and designed for myself!

Some of my affirmations are:

I take care of myself because I matter” – great when I’m feeling physically depleted and realizing that I’ve been mistreating my body a bit with overwhelming work. This affirmation first thing in the morning reminds me that I must keep up with my healthy regimens to sustain my optimum wellbeing.

I can do hard things” – recently adopted affirmation from many wise sources out in the universe. You have lived a rich and powerful life up to this point, by now you may have noted that you have been through and can manage “hard things” in your life. Use those past experiences as your motivation for conquering whatever difficulties you may be experiencing today. It may be that you need motivation to keep up with your physical training for a 5K marathon, or simply that you need to be motivated to complete a marathon-like project at work. Think back on the skill sets that you have used in the past to get through similar challenges in the past. Design for yourself, a statement that defines how you conquer those type hard things!!!

2. I go on a refreshing meditative walk!

Meditation Walks

I’ve found over time that using the art of meditation during a steady and peaceful walk, through nature or simply around the neighborhood, can be very calming. The combination of walking along with meditating on how the walk is affecting your senses – without any particular judgement about the experience, can definitely restore your inner peace and a renewed sense of happiness.

3. I make sure I’m drinking enough water!

Research indicates that drinking the right amounts of water can restore clarity to your mind and also provide much needed stamina when our brains are needing to sustain our focus on more positive living. The amount of water that you need daily depends on your height and weight. Determining how much you should drink daily can be assessed with a medical professional such as your primary care doctor or a nutritionist.

4. I’m intentional about eating a balanced a nutritious diet.

Studies also show that eating the right diet will yield numerous health benefits. Consuming the right combination of foods and minerals works wonders for my mental health, in addition to helping maintain a healthy weight for my body’s frame.

Your healthy diet should include, a determined amount of proteins, fats, carbohydrates and fiber. With the help of a professional you can determine how many minerals you should consume – such as calcium, potassium, magnesium and other essential ones.

A little bit of intentional safeguarding and coordination of the above health strategies will work wonders to get you back to living optimally and happily!

Coach Mandy S



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