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Four Key Things I’ve learned about my past Procrastination

Procrastination is a habit that keeps us from the better aspects of our lives, for as long as we’re allowing ourselves to be without them.

Listen, I had to take my glasses off for this one: Because I know, YOU see me! I also need you to HEAR me!

STOP, STOP, STOP procrastinating about such important things in your life, and the things you know you’ll need in place, in your future life...

Here is what I finally learned and need you to learn too:

1. Increase savings! - (not saving? You can start with as little as $5.00 a month, and more if you’re able – but you must pay yourself for your hard work! At this level it’s not about the amount; it’s more about forming a positive and necessary habit.

2. Start investing! - Again here, you can start with $5.00 a week. Sounds crazy? Investing has changed quite a bit from years ago.

There are many more opportunities and options for persons on different financial levels to invest in having a more secure and happier future. Everyone deserves these opportunities, including you and your loved ones. You’ll be surprised to see what you’ve accomplished in six months or a year!

Think about it, $5.00 today, could very well be several thousands in one year and beyond! However, no matter how small the amount at the end of the first year, it will still be more than you had before you started. In any case, everyone has to start somewhere.

Just take the first step by talking with someone who knows how to get this process started for you – me! 😊

3. Get some more insurance! – I’m not saying you should indiscriminately purchase insurance that you don’t need. But, if you have noted, that there are future life situations that will require a significant amount of money, or adequate insurance now to cover them later, then it really, really, is in your best interest to secure your future life!

And, if you take another moment to assess your current needs -important ones, like health related needs, home related needs, auto/transportation related needs, etc., there’s a good chance you may be needing more insurance for your present life. I’ve learned is that life is not worth leaving to chance.

Trust me, I’ve regretfully, tried it the non-functional way. That way of living typically ended up badly, to say the least. I would never leave my present or future life to chance again.

I also want to save you from experiencing such misfortune because it is totally avoidable.

Given life as it is today, it’s just not wise or necessary to experience the mental insecurity that is caused by the lack of action that results from a mindset of procrastination – not when you can start exactly where you are. Simple first steps lead to second, greater steps, and eventually your consistent efforts will get you where you want and need to be!

4. Finally, Stop the generational blaming! - I’m hearing so many Baby Boomers talking about, what wasn’t taught to us. I’m even hearing some millennials talking about what they weren’t taught (by us, I suppose - some of us are their parents!) At some point we must stop the cross-generational madness and take responsibility for our own destinies! Yes, it is true, as a Baby Boomer I wasn’t taught so many things by my parents – because they weren’t taught by theirs …

I’ve learned that none of the above excuses should stop me from teaching my Gen-Z offspring and other loved ones what I’ve learned, and am still learning! Yes, I’m still learning and modifying as I live each day. And I love that, because I know that such knowledge ensures a better life with my loved ones. The additional time and happiness with them, are worth all the effort and preparation! Don’t you agree?

Let’s get YOU started on the journey to securing happier future days with your loved ones!

Go to my ‘Contacts’ page: tell me what you need. Let’s get you on the right track!

Coach Mandy S.



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