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Quotes and Affirmations - choose them carefully!

More, too much?? Less ended up insufficient??

At some point, more, can become overwhelming…and less, may not be enough…

Let’s explore:

I don’t mean to ruin a perfectly catchy quote, but “More is more” and “Less is more” are both relative concepts.

The danger with wanting to coin all clever sayings like these is that they can be very motivating in situations where they fit well, but then, as you try to apply them to other situations currently happening in your life it becomes quite frustrating trying to apply them to situations where they simply do not fit.

When we staple clever quotes used by others, onto a personal situation that they weren’t even intended for, we could inadvertently kill our own desire to move forward with the necessary transformations for our lives.

It is important here to acknowledge that in the correct measure more of a good thing can be indeed a good thing - again I warn, that is in certain cases, not always!

For example, most individuals don’t budget enough funds for a monthly savings, and an incremental increase over time to reach an ultimate financial goal, is always a good thing! I’ve never heard someone retort that they ended up saving too much and they’re now regretting it!

In the same vein, the cutting back of certain things like spending can be quite a worthy effort, in the right places. For example, it is a very positive thing to decrease spending; it isn’t such a great thing to decrease bill paying, in the name of decreasing spending! I think of this example as I hear certain clients’ confusion: “Well, am I not supposed to pay myself first?” And you should, but you must do so, in the measure that applies to your financial situation while also ensuring that you’re making your minimum monthly payments on all your debt. Seeing the bigger picture here?

So, what can you do to stay on track of your intended goal pursuits, without making these common motivational mistakes?

Here are some tips to get you on the right path:

1. Find a reliable accountability partner – A person who understands you, genuinely cares about your wellbeing, and who will sound the alarm when they see that you’re going or have gone off-track from your journey. Because you need to stick to your positive steps, not just to be repeating a feel-good affirmation that isn’t relevant to the results you want.

2. If you’re undergoing a process that has medical or psychological ramifications, you may need to add a few need-specific professionals to your accountability process! Such might be a counselor/therapist, a psychologist a psychiatrist and /or a properly credentialed life coach, a financial strategist, etc.

3. Now, with the collaboration of your accountability partner and the assistance of any needed professionals you can establish effective affirmations and even shorter mantras to motivate you through each of your goal steps. You may truly be the personality type to benefit from a specific affirmation to go alongside each step toward your guide.

4. Use visual tools that will keep your agreed upon goals in front of you, like a daily, or nightly journal. It’s just beneficial to review where you started versus where you currently are. Keep your journal easily accessible. You’ll need to easily see the smaller steps that are getting you closer to attaining your goals and reaching your dreams.

5. If you’re an especially visual person and are more motivated by visual tools than any other type, you may love the outcomes you’ll get by creating a Vision Board in addition to your daily journal entries. In fact, your vision board should become a summary of what you’re putting down in your journal. Your journal should contain your genuine life desires. Represent them in meaningful groupings within your vision board as well. Let’s talk about reputable consultants who can help you design an effective board!

As a credentialed life coach – with a background in personal counseling and human development I am qualified to align you with the tools that you need to attain your transformation goals and dreams.

Let’s start this process right for you, with a free discovery chat!

Head on over to my ‘Contacts’ page and leave your contact information. We will take care of the rest. YOU deserve to be properly aligned. You deserve to be equipped with the tools that will teach you how to set your goals and achieve them!

"Life teaches many lessons. again and again until we have proven to have learned them!"

Coach Mandy S.



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